Ariane Capital Notes Stellar Crypto Investment Fund Performance Despite 2021’s Bearish Periods

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Ariane Capital, a renowned multi-family office, is one of the few European financial players with expertise in crypto matters since 2014.

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Ariane Capital notes strong growth throughout 2021, paving the way for bigger and better things in 2022 and beyond. Navigating the crypto waters at an early stage allowed the team to build up years of expertise and remain ahead of the market. As a result, its products have proven very powerful and continue to provide investors with optimal returns regardless of market conditions.

Growing Demand for Exposure to Crypto-Assets Allows Crypto Investment Funds to Capitalize on the Momentum

Mainstream institutions and investors have come around on cryptocurrencies. While initially labelled as “worthless speculative pseudo-assets-, the overall appeal of crypto assets has increased dramatically. There is tremendous untapped potential for these assets and everyone wants a piece of the action.

Growing demand for exposure to crypto-assets allows crypto investment funds to capitalize on the momentum. Ariane Capital, a renowned multi-family office, is one of the few European financial players with expertise in crypto matters since 2014. Being an early-stage believer has positioned the company as a top contender among crypto investment funds.

Ariane Capital provides powerful tools and vehicles to its clients, ARBA FUND, designed to look for arbitrage opportunities, noted a monthly performance of +0.12% in May 2021. Remarkable, as all markets lost over 50% in that month, yet the ARBA FUND solution still turned a profit. Moreover, the ARBA FUND performance for 2020 was +41.75%, with 2021’s result being closer to +15%. Continual growth and performance are essential.

Benjamin GUEZ, co-founders of Ariane capital, said:

“Many of our peers are entering the cryptocurrency world, which I believe is good for the industry as a whole. It should be noted, however, that this is a world of insiders that is difficult to access: if you don’t have a strong experienced team, mistakes can easily happen”.

ARBA SPIN is a relatively new certificate-based vehicle focused on absolute performance. One month after launching the product, the product noted a +12.5% yield despite bearish conditions affecting all markets. Thanks to Ariane Capital’s management team and its focus on alpha generator qualities, that performance is possible. Identifying opportunities ahead of time creates a competitive edge not found anywhere else.

As proposals for investment funds dedicated to cryptocurrencies flourish, ARIANE CAPITAL is on top of the game, having accumulated more than seven years of experience in the world of crypto assets.


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